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Friday, May 8, 2009

My First Blog

I should probably start by explaining what the hell does the title of my blog mean.  The original phrase is "Oh, for one blast of that dread horn" and is a poem written for Roland.  Roland was the paladin and nephew of King Charlemagne's and he blew his great horn to warn Charlemagne of danger before he was killed.

Roland is also the main character in one of my favorite series of books by Stephen King called The Dark Tower and that character is partially based on Charlemagne's Roland.

The Ophir (replacing "Oh, For" in the poem) is from the Ophir Prison Marching Kazoo Band and Temperance Society, LMTD in which I play trumpet.  You will be hearing more about Ophir in a few weeks since we will be playing at the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee over Memorial Day weekend.

Ophir has been known to play load and I also enjoy drum corps which is very load so the "blast of the dread horn" applies here as well.  I think my wife probably thinks along the dread horn train of thought whenever I practice.

Hopefully you haven't left yet.  I will try to make future posts a bit more interesting.